Solution-Charge of the worlds largest charity

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April 5, 2020

Solution-Charge of the worlds largest charity

Prepare a 800 words document minimum paper responding to the following all  in APA format . In text citation is highly require  , title page and running head including a reference page all  in APA format.

Imagine that you are in charge of the world’s largest charity, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation*, and you’ve been asked by Bill and Linda to allocate half of the Foundation’s funds to a U.S. environmental health problem and the other half to a global problem. Where would you put the money??

You may select any environmental health issue you like. It is not necessary for it to be part of the Foundation at present.

* Note: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with $30 billion+ in assets, has a broad reach but focuses on global education and health. Their current efforts target many of the environmental health issues we discussed in this class including providing access to fresh water, developing sanitation infrastructure, teaching efficient agricultural practices, etc.