Solution-Assignments to research current findings relative

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May 4, 2020
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May 4, 2020

Solution-Assignments to research current findings relative

Select a specific pathogen (Genus species) that you have covered either in your reading to this point in the course or one that will be covered in later sessions. A pathogen is defined as any infectious microbial agent such as a virus, bacterium, prion, or fungus that causes disease or illness to its host.  Explore beyond your reading assignments to research current findings relative to the pathogen and their impact on current medical practice. The outline should contain the following on the selected pathogen:

  • Introduction or background information (include statistics when possible)
  • Basic characteristics (i.e. shape, gram stain, envelop or non-enveloped virus, etc)
  • Modes of transmission
  • Virulence factors (molecules expressed and secreted by a pathogen that aid in pathogenesis)
  • Prevention and treatment