Solution-Antibodies directed against hiv

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May 3, 2020

Solution-Antibodies directed against hiv

Question 1

Antibodies directed against HIV can enhance the infection by facilitating entry of virus into immune cells.


Question 2

The most common mode of transmission of HIV worldwide is which of the following (select one)?

A. Sharing of intravenous needles
B. Heterosexual contact
C. Blood Transfusion
D. Homosexual contact

Question 3

1615_Antibodies directed against HIV.png

Match the role in HIV infection in the concept map below of the following HIV proteins

Box A
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Box B
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Box C
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Box D
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Box E
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Box F
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Box G
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Box H
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Box I
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1. Integrase
2. Rev
3. Nef
4. GP120
5. Tat
6. Vpu
7. Vpr
8. Reverse Transcriptase
9. Vif

Question 4
Match the following phases of a HIV infection with their associated symptoms or clinical parameters.

Helper T-cell levels below 200/ml
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Steady Decline in Helper T-cell levels
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Elevated levels of Cytoxic T-cells
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Flu-Like Symptoms
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Initial infection of memory T-cells
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Highest level of viremia
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A. Symptomatic Phase/AIDS
B. Acute Phase
C. Asymptomatic Phase

Question 5
It is estimated that the genetic diversity of HIV in a single individual exceeds that of the worldwide diversity of Influenza A during a typical pandemic.

Question 6

Individuals infected with HIV are much more likley to develop agressive cancers such as Kaposi’s sarcoma and B-cell lymphoma. Explain why this is the case (4-5 sentences max).


Question 7

Visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website on HIV/AIDs and study the statistics on world wide infections. Fill in the blanks below for the statistic for HIV infection as of the end of 2011.
Blank 1 million individuals worldwide have died of AIDs since its discovery in the early 1980s.
Blank 2 million individuals die in 2011 from AIDs
Blank 3 million individuals worldwide are infected by HIV.
Blank 4 million individuals were newly infected with HIV in 2011.

Question 8

One of the features of HIV that has made it such a severe global health issue is the fact that it possess an asymptomatic phase that can last many years. Explain in 5-6 sentences why HIV has a long asymptomatic phase and how this has contributed to the severity and spread of the AIDs pandemic.