Solar Powered Academic Essay

Technical Feasibility Academic Essay
August 18, 2020
Management and Information Systems and Strategy Academic Essay
August 18, 2020

Solar Powered Academic Essay

Design and prepare a table to show a breakdown of how many people will be needed and for how long and with what qualifications or experience. For each person or category of people indicate on what basis will they be employed (full time or part time employment contract, casual etc.). If using subcontractors instead of, or in addition to employees, indicate how many and for how long. Clearly annotate as appropriate to show basis for human resources required.
b. Physical resources
Design and prepare a table to provide a comprehensive list of physical resources needed including premises, furniture, equipment, vehicles, materials etc. Quantify your requirements for each item in physical terms and provide appropriate units (not monetary values). Clearly annotate as appropriate to show basis for physical resources required

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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions