Software Architecture and Design

professional issue in nursing practice
June 12, 2020
Ethics and Social Responsibility
June 12, 2020

Software Architecture and Design

Q1- A Weather Monitoring System (WMS) includes several sensors Temperature Sensor, HumiditySensor and Barometric Sensor. A Scheduler component is connected to the sensors and triggers the readings of the values of the sensors. ReportManager collects the data received from sensors and on request provides a Report. The Report is displayed on Screen by ScreenManager. Finally, HistoryTracker keeps a log of the historical data provided by ReportManager. [10 marks] a) Draw two architectures for the WMS system using two suitable architecture styles (one of them is based on agent oriented architecture style). b) What are the similarities and differences between the two architecture?
Q2- Design a three-tier architecture for web-based online bookstore application. The client front-end tier is a web browser that coordinates user account login and GUI interface(presentation logic). The middle tier is the application server (application logic) that coordinates business logic such as shopping cart, transaction, checkout processing, and others. The back-end tier is a database server(data access logic and data storage). The database stores all necessary information such as book catalog, customer, and order status information. [5 Marks]
Q3- a-Design the system in problem Q2 using the component based software architecture. Illustrate the provided and required interfaces of each component. b- Draw a physical view for the system. c- what are the differences between static and dynamic architecture? Give an example for each one, [5-Marks]