Social Structure and Social Interaction

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July 28, 2020
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July 28, 2020

Social Structure and Social Interaction

Homework Assignment
(15 points)This assignment is due online via the Drop Box on the due date indicated.Based on your reading of Cahill, Meanwhile Backstage: Behavior in Public Bathroomsand chapter 5 of the Andersen, Taylor, and Logio text,answer the following questions.You will be assessed on the content of your answers, and the clarity, coherence, and mechanics (grammar, spelling, word choice) of your writing.In addition, when you paraphrase or quote from the article, provide a citation in ASA format (Cahill, et. al.1985/2013:146). Since there are nopage numbers in the Andersen, Taylor, and Logio e-book, please use XX for page numbers.Your answers should be in your own words; do not copyfrom the book or each other. Finally, your answers should be in essay-format; do not write lists.1. According to Andersen, Taylor, and Logio (2013), what isimpression management? How does this relate to the dramaturgy model?
2.Consistent with Goffmans concept of dramaturgy,Cahill (1985/2013) describes howpublicrestrooms are divided into two distinct performanceregionswhich are governed by separate expectations and norms for behavior. Describethe two performance regions and explain at least two norms ofbehavior in each. Explain why people may engage in these behaviors.3. Provide an example and a description of how you use impression management. Explain this in relation to the dramaturgy model.