Belmont Report to the case of Henrietta Lacks
May 19, 2020
Susan Glaspell play, Trifles
May 20, 2020

social problem

Many movements for social justice begin with people noticing small moments of personal unfairness and then noticing that they are, in fact, symptoms of a larger social

problem. Choose one such problem and write an essay that describes the problem and proposes a direction for a solution. Your paper must engage with at least three

secondary sources and must also include a personal anecdote (either from your own life or from the life of someone you know) that sets up the issue as a personal

problem that has wider social implications

You can pick the topic of smoking and its bad effect in the family, how children start to follow the smoker and all. That’s the way our generation get addicted to

drugs. So  smoking in the public area can be a social problem. (But you can choose your own topic)