smoking not our future campaign

Resume Resources
March 21, 2020
valuable experience
March 21, 2020

smoking not our future campaign

smoking not our future campaign

1. Title of brief:
What policy recommendations would you offer the UK Government in 2013 to prepare for the challenges and opportunities associated with an emerging techno-economic paradigm?

2. Country of study:
3. Description of brief:
It is 2000words of essay and less than 10 articles are required. 2:1 grade is okay.

Topic: What policy recommendations would you offer the UK Government in 2013 to prepare for the challenges and opportunities associated with an emerging techno-economic paradigm?


The essay requires not only a sound outline of the underlying theoretical framework, but also a robust application of the concepts. It will be assessed primarily on the argument and structure of the essay. Also important are the strength of the introduction and conclusion, use of sources and referencing, and presentation and language. For further details, please see the SIM marking scheme.doc on Blackboard in the ‘Course Description and Assessment’ section.

Freeman C., and Perez C (1988), Structural crises of adjustment, business cycles and investment behaviour in Dosi, G. et al (Eds.) Technical Change and Economic Theory. Pinter, London
Freeman C. and Louca F., (2001), As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution, Oxford University Press: Oxford.

4. Vital sources (Sources that the writer has to use, could be study books used in class):

Freeman C., and Perez C (1988), Structural crises of adjustment, business cycles and investment behaviour in Dosi, G. et al (Eds.) Technical Change and Economic Theory. Pinter, London
Freeman C. and Louca F., (2001), As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution, Oxford University Press: Oxford.