SIPOC & Customer Journey Mapping

Determining Returns on Investment and Performance
May 12, 2020
Mechanical engineering
May 12, 2020

SIPOC & Customer Journey Mapping

SIPOC & Customer Journey Mapping

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SIPOC & Customer Journey Mapping

Choose a high end service (Michelin Restaurant €“ pls select one fromHong Kong if possible) and compare with a low cost service (fast food chain €“ McDonalds).

1. Create a SIPOC diagram of top level processesfor both services (1 for Michelin Restaurant& 1 for McDonalds).

2. Create the Customer Journey Mapping (Similar to the attached CJM Template of p.4)
a. Consider the different expectations
b. Evaluate the Touchpoints and Moments of Truth in the service against the categories defined by SERVQUAL (RATER).
c. What other measures would be appropriate to evaluate the systems?

3. Explain how they achieve profitability by managing the following:
a. Variation (e.g., variation in demand due to peak and non-peak time)
b. Utilization (e.g., when the Michelin restaurant is full and customers are waiting at outside, what they can do to fully utilize the situation)(for McDonalds,how to decrease dinning time)
c. Waste€“ how to balance and reduce the waste

4. Explain the interconnections betweenMuda (waste), Mura (unevenness) and Muri(over-burden) in service operation management (or lean operation) for each of the chosen examples.