A Comparison of America’s Legal System with the Hindu and Confucian Legal Systems
September 25, 2020
Homework Assignment #2 Machining Step by Step Exercise
September 25, 2020


Cardiovascular diseases affect the heart and the blood vessels. It is the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) that ensures blood supply to the whole body in order to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients in addition to getting rid of tissue wastes. Any condition that affects this system interferes with this work. Once the work  of the system is impaired, them the affected individual will have to present with the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Breathing difficulties. Although this manifestation is secondary to the failure of the pulmonary system to function normally, the circulatory system has a major impact on this system hence the presentation. Conditions like pulmonary heart disease are a disease of the heart but still affects the lungs. More so, a heart attack and coronary heart disease present with this symptom among others.
  2. Irregular heart rate. The heart rate of a patient with cardiovascular disease may increase, decrease or even become irregular. Such a presentation is common for people with hypertensive heart disease.
  3. Pain. Heart diseases may present with angina pain, which often radiates to other body parts like the neck, back and the left arm among others. In the case of blood vessel involvement like peripheral arterial disease, pain manifests in the affected limbs.
  4. Edema. Inappropriate functioning of the heart can result in fluid retention. Conditions like hypertensive heart disease and pulmonary heart disease can  result in such. Once there is fluid retention; then edema in the feet, legs and ankles among other body parts can be evident.
  5. Lack or poor appetite. This manifestation comes about as a result of gastrointestinal upset. That occurs when the blood supply to the digestive system is compromised and the edema that lead to abdominal swelling. This symptom is common for heart disease in comparison to vascular diseases.
  6. General body weaknesses and ease of fatigability. These symptoms are common, from the fact that the cardiovascular system fails to supply the tissues with oxygen as normal. The individual may feel abnormal fatigue, even without doing anything.
  7. Anxiety and restlessness. People with cardiovascular diseases often have a lot of fear due to what they term as impending death because of the delicate nature of this kind of diseases.
  8. Confusion. In case the brain gets involved like in cerebrovascular disease, then confusion and disorientation can be obvious in patients having the disease.

These signs and symptoms may manifest early or late depending on the nature and type of the cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, not all the signs will manifest in any of the cardiovascular diseases, but two or more of them can be realized.