Employee Relations
May 13, 2020
System Evaluation and Recommendations
May 13, 2020

Shuzworld case study

Shuzworld case study

For this task, you will use the Shuzworld case study (see Web Links section below). You will need to read the entire case study to be able to complete this task correctly.

All the instructions in the case study are considered task directions. Please provide answers to all questions posed in the case study as you respond to the following task prompts.


Prepare a memo to your boss in which you do the following:
A.  Recommend which method (i.e., using reconditioned equipment, purchasing new equipment in its Shanghai plant, or outsourcing to another manufacturing operation) Shuzworld should consider for the manufacturing of its sneakers at all possible volumes of output, using an appropriate decision analysis tool, as directed in section 7 (More challenges, more analysis!) of the Shuzworld case study.

Note: Production ranges that favor each manufacturing option should be identified.

1.  Submit an accurate copy of the computer-generated output from the appropriate decision analysis tool used in part A.
a.  Explain why the decision analysis tool you chose is the best fit for this problem.

B.  Develop a sales volume forecast, using the least-squares method and the prescribed exponential smoothing technique, as directed in section 8 (Analyzing mall store sales) of the Shuzworld case study.
1.  Submit an accurate copy of the computer-generated output from the appropriate decision analysis tools used in part B.
2.  Compare the results between the least-squares method and the prescribed exponential smoothing technique.

Note: Error measurements should be used in the comparison.

C.  Discuss how to apply control chart metrics to improve quality in the Shuzworld production line as directed in section 9 (Production machine issues) of the Shuzworld case study.

Note: At least two trends or data points on each of the charts provided in the case study should be discussed in the response. Ways to bring the process back into control should also be discussed.

D.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.