Develop a marketing plan for one new products and for two market segments. In your plan, cover:
May 10, 2020
Innovation development process
May 10, 2020

Shopping with the remote

Shopping with the remote
Paper instructions:

Instructions: The assignment for the final paper is to write a scholarly, critical essay about how the Digital Revolution is changing the constructs, contents and advertising models of traditional, mainstream television programming. You are free, in fact, encouraged to interpret this as you will. You may base your paper on a wide array of choices from how the broadcast networks are repurposing show content on the web to the sustainability of traditional advertising models. You may discuss how homemade You Tube videos are impacting the look and production of broadcast programming or how digital effects are turning primetime shows into mini movies. The constant reimagining of Hulu is another possible topic.

This essay should be in-depth, incisive, thought-provoking and well researched. The essay should be about 2,000 words and contain a minimum of 8 sources. You are free to select a mix of sources including scholarly publications, university studies, established online newspapers and magazines and media industry trade journals (Variety, Hollywood Reporter.)