October 13, 2020
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October 13, 2020

Shell Australia in 10 years

TOpic: Shell Australia in 10 years

you can see this book
by online: Principles of Marketing (Aus) By:

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)
our study for ten years in Australia

Current Market Situation (3 pages)
How is the market defined? How big is it? How fast is it growing?
What are the relevant trends affecting the market?
What stage of the lifecycle is the market at?
Support your situation analysis with figures or tables that illustrate
your progression, including market share growth, sales growth, and
other key performance indicators, such as stock price, revenues, etc.
Provide the mission statement for the SBU you selected (if not for the
SBU, then for the company).
Macro Environmental Review (see pp. 89-110 of the text) (3 pages)

Note: you must write about Shell Australia.

name my text book: Principles of Marketing (Aus)
By: Kotler/Adam/Denize/Armstrong