Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company
September 17, 2020
Health promotion and education
September 17, 2020

Sexuality and Disability

Sexuality and disability is a phrase that is used to refer to the sexual behavior and practice of sex among the people with disabilities. This area remains a very sensitive one with increased beliefs, taboos and limited exploration. According to the world health organization, sexuality is an essential part of the personality of everyone. The definition extends to specify that it can be among men, women or a child and it is a basic need and aspect of being human that cannot be separated from other forms of life. In the modern day, it is very disappointing that people with disabilities are regarded to as people with no sex life. Further research shows that sex is highly associated with physical attractiveness, fertility and is mostly dominant among the youths. When sex is discussed in the light of disability, we learn that it is done with regard to fertility, capacity and technique among other things. However, it is worth noting that in this instance, sexual feelings are no reference hence touching, affection and emotions are not part of the ordeal for this group. For thisa research essay, we shall explore the concept of disability and sexuality in the light of modern trends and perceptions towards the act.

According to an article by Esmail et. Al, the researchers embraced a qualitative approach in exploring the attitudes and perceptions with which people view sexuality and disability (Esmail, et. Al, 2010). The main purpose of the research was to describe the current societal perceptions and attitudes on the sexuality and disability and at the same time determine how stigma differs when it comes to people with visible disabilities and those with no visible disabilities. The findings of the research were that, individuals who are deemed as disabled are asexual. This is the case due to the heteronormative idea of sex and this is considered as natural (Esmail, et. Al, 2010). According to the researchers, we notice that lack of education on sexuality and disability was one of the major factors that they felt to contribute highly to the stigma that is associated with the disability and sexuality. According to a research that has been developed by Christian vega and Shirley, the research findings were that, there is a symbiotic relationship between the sex workers and the disabled persons. This is in terms of the need of the sex workers to obtain the money in return for love and sex from the sex workers.

In the Victorian sex industry, we find out that the program is a statewide program that allows prostitutes to conduct their businesses in certain designated places. The research explores the pros and cons that come with handling the disabled noting of a particular group that has chosen to provide the services only to the disabled. They also note that there is less stigmatization associated with the disabled in the program and they also feel good about themselves. Some of the available services are through what they call the RhED program and include education, distribution of safe sex supplies, information and referral services for the sex industry, as well as community safety initiatives (Aunos, and Feldman, 2002). The program has been one of the major ways through which the society has cared for the sexual needs of the disabled in the state of Victoria.

According to a publication by The Guardian, the magazine states “The sex worker says she is used to being introduced to clients with disabilities through a parent, usually a mother rather than a father…” (The guardian, 2013) through this excerpt, we understand that the sex workers are playing an important role in addressing the concerns of this group. An important piece from one of the mothers whose son had limited days in his life notes that since she brought the sex worker down to her place and had her attend to her son’s sexual needs, “…and says her son is much happier all round since having her visit.” the lesson from this expirience is that as much as the normal people need the sexual pleasure and attention, the disabled in the society need it as well. In Netherlands, there was a report that the government was willing to cover the expenses of 12 occasions of sexual service through a government funded scheme for the persons with disabilities in the society. According to the same report, a similar situation was noted in the United Kingdom, where a chief activist Chris Fulton known to suffer from cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy asked the government to come up with a similar scheme (Hahn, 1988).

The report noted that the disabled need a larger choice and there was a lot of stigmatization on the part of the disabled having relationships. The author noted that there was need for the disabled to be accepted when they have relationships. According to a survey conducted on disability by Disability Now magazine, the findings concluded that 19% of the female participants saw trained sex workers as compared to the 63% male respondents who did (Baxter, 2008). According to this study, there was the insight into a hidden perspective that, female persons with disabilities do not trust sex workers to be honorable and thus the low turn up. The limitation to participate in sexual activities by the disabled extends to the male counterparts too. This is because there are cases of abuse and sometimes may turn into physical abuse. It is thus evident that participation in the sexual affair is more risky and sometimes may trigger rejection that this group cannot cope with.

Assault, Domestic violence and sexual harassment

People with disabilities are often regarded to as vulnerable persons. This is in the light that they often face violence and rude treatment from people hence needs protecting. According to an American Journal of Preventive Medicine publications, men with disabilities are 4 times more likely to be abused sexually (Baxter, 2008). Others have also shown that women with disability are more likely expirience rape, physical assult and abuse regardless of their race, ethnicity, orientation or class. The risks of being assaulted physically in adults who suffer from this disabilities range from 4-10 times higher than those of other adults (Baxter, 2008). For most of the disabled persons, the violence may be orchestrated by a relative, a sex worker or other people in his/her life therefore it becomes hard to determine whether they are suffering as they tend to conceal it.

There is need to develop a strategy that will take care of this population like the state of Virginia. Battling for the married disabled persons is also a frequent phenomenon as most of the disabled have developed as tendency to suffer in silence. Some of them dare not speak due to the stigma associated with raising such concerns. We learn that people with disabilities are viewed as a population that has no rights. They are viewed often as people with no right to pursue their social and sexual relationships. They have been in the dark for long and consequently denied sex education. There has been concerns over the several number of cases reported among those admitted with mental conditions that doctors tend to take advantage over their situations and thus sexually harass them or rape them. These tendencies have been widely ignored bearing in mind that the perpetrators are the people who should protect them.

In some of the situations, sexual harassment has been on the rise especially in hospitals, whereby doctors and medical practitioners have been also known to take advantage of their patients.

With the recent developments in technology, studies have shown that people with disabilities can derive sexual pleasure through the use of sex toys and physical aids among other things. The physical aids in this case involves the use of bed modifications that assist in developing better sex positions, or the services that are offered by a commercial sex worker. According to an unknown author who published in the guardian by the pseudonym Stefano Goodman, he noted that he is used to the fact that the people with disability are sexually invisible. He notes that the number where a person has looked at him and noted that he /she will have some of “that” or “thank you very much” are countable by hand. It is imperative that this group is less appreciated in the society even by the very people they claimed to know. Instead, the wheelchair is more invisible making them captives in their own life.

It is important also to note that self-image and disability are closely intertwined factors. We develop the school of thought that self-image is an essential part of one’s sexuality and in the event that it is not good enough, one loses all the will to pursue sexual desires. For most of the persons with disability, we learn that they suffer from emotional and psychological burden arising from their impairments. Most of the people with disability fear rejection as we have mentioned earlier and thus, they may feel a little bit awkward in pursuing their desired relationships. The self-image referred to greatly suffers from the effects of disfigurement and thus lack of confidence. In this light, we note that everything that the person with disability tries is related to his or her physical condition and their ability to perform sexually. The only way to solve this is by accepting their disability and living with it along other life activities.

Many scholars have suggested that good communication, daunting; medication as well as manual devices are a good start for sexual activity especially where disability is concerned. The recognition of the pleasure that is often derived from other activities, in this case, not penetration or intercourse is an integral factor that should be recognized by this persons. Such activities that derive pleasure include, sensitivity to touch, that has been known to increase lesion location especially in cases where the patient has suffered from a spinal injury or some form of paralysis. According to a research carried out by the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundations, the findings were that 79% of the men suffering from incomplete spinal cord injuries and 28% with complete injuries are able to achieve orgasm (Livneh, 2000). Where hand mobility has been impaired, the study showed that vibrators can be used in stimulation. Supportive devices that we had earlier discussed are further elaborated, and the author notes that, sex furniture can be a major boost to the ergonomics in sex, with rail and clamp enhancements or unique designs being used depending on the needs of the person (Livneh, 2000).

In paraplegic and quadriplegic people, there is a need to understand that the loss of sexual function does not mean the loss of sexuality. for such cases, recognition that sexual functioning can be increased despite being impaired is key. In the event of a spinal cord injury, it is evident that sexual function is usually intact and that it is only the communication that takes place from the brain and the spine center that is usually disrupted. In the event that there is no sensation that remains in the sexual organs, the sexual sensation of orgasm is lost though there is a high chance that an orgasm may be experienced in other parts of the body (Davis and MSSW, 2005). Despite the presence of an injury, it is worth noting that the physical and emotional part of life is still highly functional for this group as it is for the people with no disabilities.

When we look at the above literature, we realize that disability is one of the major hindrances to sexual activity for many people with disability (Davis and MSSW, 2005). There is need to intervene in the event that they are not okay with who they are. The first step to initiate the plan of action should be talking to them into accepting who they are. This process involves the use of professional counselors and qualified personnel among others. This people may have a problem in approaching the issue therefore, it is important to come up with a style that is based on the needs of every client. After they are able to see a practitioner and accept themselves, another major step is to engage them on their desires and some of the things they think would make them more sexually active.

In the modern age, there is need to fight the stigma that is associated with people with disability regard their sex life and their ability to be in relationships. Stigmatization is one of the highest contributors of a bad sexual orientation (Davis and MSSW, 2005). There is need to educate the public on the need to accept them and allow them to freely have relationships like anyone else. The need to understand that the PWD have a choice is also an important factor. This group has the right to emotional development and exploration, as well as social development. They also have to be protected from violence of any form as well as abuse by anyone, whether their partners or not. This need comes with a call to the state to impose stringent rules that are aimed at protecting the sexual rights of such individuals. Campaigns to educate the public on the sexuality of the disabled should also be set on the go to enhance their acceptance into the society.

The state has a very crucial role to play apart from policy formulation and the protection of the rights of this people. It is important that the state takes care of the need of this people through the use of professionals who attend to them rather than leaving them to look for the sex workers on the streets, where they are often abused and disregarded. For most of the people with disabilities, the sex worker has to clean them, dress them and perform the sex orientation before engaging in sex with him/her (Hahn, 1988). This is a very hectic activity and only required highly trained professionals who know how to specially handle this kind of people. Most of them may tend to have bad reactions to various orientations therefore, there is need to develop a mindset that is customer centered as opposed to one that is centered along the expectations of the sex worker.

Payment for these workers is also a big deal. There is need for the government to chip in and contribute to meeting the costs of this need. This is because the PWD have limited capacities to earn high incomes or make such high payments (Powersand and Oschwald, 2004). a legislation is needed to enable the sex workers to operate freely with the PWD in a controlled environment where abuse is likely to occur. Use of sex aides is an important part of this effort. More importantly, vibrators can be very helpful for people with limited ability in their limbs. The use of modern technology that includes appropriate ergonomics can be an important part on the sexuality of an individual.

When sexuality is combined with proper ergonomics, there is likelihood that the individuals may derive as much pleasure as would be possible with a human partner (Powersand and Oschwald, 2004). This saves the persons with disability the effort to move to brothels or look for sex workers in the streets. It also saves then the stigma of being shunned away or being abused. When the use of technology is adopted, the people with disability have the capacity to obtain sexual pleasure as often as they need it at a low cost, unlike when engaging with a sexual worker, there is no limits as to when one should have sexual pleasure, rather, one can have it any time and at any state. For those who hate the showering, the clothing and the various orientations that come with sex workers, the technological modifications are in place to attend to their needs.

In conclusion, people with disabilities often face a lot of challenges when it comes to their sexuality. First, they are not able to access sex as freely as their normal counterparts. In most instances, they are discriminated against and thought not to have the desire or the ability to be sexually active. Stigma is also another issue. The society view persons with disabilities as a group of people who should not engage in relationships but should concentrate with dealing with their disabilities. A major perspective is also that, the battle is from within; such that the PWD does not accept him/herself hence, it becomes hard to build a good image of oneself. This affects ones ego and limits his/her abilities to explore their sexuality. Abuse is also another major factor that affects the sexuality of this group. However, there is a high chance that technology has been able to solve most of the problem through its ability to meet their different needs from different aspects and positions.

