Wage Labor
May 9, 2020
Explaining a Political Phenomenon
May 9, 2020



Throughout your studies, you have become familiar with a variety of concepts in qualitative reasoning and analysis. You have explored the importance of qualitative thinking in research and used your knowledge to compose your own Qualitative Research Plan. This Assignment will give you an opportunity for self-assessment as you analyze your progress in your studies.
To prepare for this Assignment:
€¢ Assess your progress and skills with qualitative reasoning and analysis. Where do you still need to improve, and what is your plan for improving these skills?
€¢ Consider what role this course has played in helping you determine an approach to your Dissertation topic. Has your original topic and approach changed? Why? How? How does this reflect how you have developed as a researcher?
€¢ To what extent has using qualitative research informed your understanding of research in general? What about your understanding of how to read the findings of a research article?
€¢ Think about how this course fits into your residency Milestones. Are you on track? Have you registered for your next residency?
€¢ Think about any lingering questions that you have.
The assignment:
Compose a 2 essay page paper in which you assess your progress with qualitative reasoning and analysis. Be sure to include examples and information responding to the questions above. You may also address any lingering questions you have.
Use APA format.