Scores can range from 15 to 90. There are no scales for this survey. You are invited and encouraged to consider what your score means and how much these questions reflect your own level of self-actualization. In studies with this survey by the authors, college students who took this survey had a mean score of 45.60. Females tended to score slightly higher than males on this survey.
From R. Crandall and A. Jones. (1991). Handbook of self-actualization (Special issue). Journal of Social Behavior and Social Personality, 6, 339-344. Copyright © 1991 by Select Press.
Complete the “Self Actualization Survey” (Crandall & Jones, 1991). After you have completed and scored the survey, review your results and answer the following question in a brief paper of at least 350 words. You do not have to reveal your results on the quiz in your answer.
1. How does the concept of “self-actualization” assessed in this survey relate to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (chapter 13)?
2. How did Maslow define self-actualization? Did this survey assess all of the aspects of self-actualization? Are there aspects of self-actualization not explored in this survey?
3. What are other ways for us to assess self-actualization other than through the use of a survey such as this?