Select a small UK BASED business with which you are familiar, and write a report which contains the analyses detailed below. Make recommendations whic

Fluid Flow
October 20, 2020
The rapid growth of the national debt alarmed some politicians and created pressure for restricting Congress’s unlimited ability to spend.
October 20, 2020

Select a small UK BASED business with which you are familiar, and write a report which contains the analyses detailed below. Make recommendations whic

Small Business Operation Analysis
(Note: Do not interview or discuss this coursework with anyone involved in the business you choose, Ethics Committee approval has not been sought for this exercise).

Select a small UK BASED business with which you are familiar, and write a report which contains the analyses detailed below. Make recommendations which will help to reinforce the successful attainment of the company’s objectives:

1. Analyse the background (so far as you know it) of the owner. This should be as much as you can discover about ethnicity, family and gender, also an assessment of the human capital of the owner. Conclude how this background has affected the operation of the business.

2. Examine evidence you have which leads you to conclude that the owner conforms to an entrepreneurial stereotype. Give reasons for these conclusions.

3. Give an outline of the operation of the business with consideration about objectives, operation, management, marketing and any other relevant business framework.

4. Identify business objectives, if none are given, deduce some reasonable objectives from the evidence you have.

5. Is this business succeeding in the attainment of the identified objectives in 4. above? State reasons for your conclusions.

(This coursework should be a minimum of 2,500 words in length. The word count is less important than the content, and a fully qualified report will not be able to be presented in fewer than the minimum recommended word count).