Select a real-world workplace and suggest a solution for a problem related to that workplace.

1. Reading for key information (Brick Chapter 8)
July 16, 2020
Must be 400 words use my references References
July 16, 2020

Select a real-world workplace and suggest a solution for a problem related to that workplace.

Select a real-world workplace and suggest a solution for a problem related to that workplace.


Problem: JROTC teachers use a external hard drive with there lesson plans on them. this hard drive is called a Curriculum Manager . Although, every teacher has this CM, they do not teach the same lessons during the same time frame. So, when students are transferred to other schools within the district they are either a head or behind.
Solution: Course Management System such as Blackboard, Moodle, Mindflash .


Please provide the befits of these systems.

You will research and write a proposal that includes the following components:

1. Statement of the problem
2. Audience analysis:
• Who is your audience?
• What do they know about the problem?
• What do they need in order to accept your proposed solution?
• How will you demonstrate your credibility on this topic?
3. Research Methodology: How will you gather the information you need to describe the problem and support your solution?
4. Document Design:


• What is the general design for your proposal?
• What headings will you include?
• What visual aids will you create?
5. Statement of the proposed solution: How will it benefit the organization?
6. Cost analysis
8. At least two outside sources
9. Schedule for implementation:
• How will the solution be implemented?
• By whom?
• Over what time period?
10. APA citation of sources
