Analyze the implications of adverse selection in insurance markets that contain information asymmetry and community ratings. Justify your response.
June 6, 2020
Constitution Paper
June 6, 2020

Sculpture comparison

Compare and analyze the two sculpture-"Endymion sarcophagus" and "Grave stele of a little girl." Please include observation and the following points:
-subject,medium,dimensions and dates.Indicate restorations and missing parts,where applicable.
-How is anatomy handled and posture employed?
-If a statue,does it have one or several major view points? If a relief,how is the scene composed?How is the background treated?
-Surface treatment:drapery,patterns,texture,and overall relationship to the body,as applicable.
-What is the effect on each work? What purpose did it serve?Consider each in their cultural context.
Also,please include the following on top of first page:
Mengting Wang
Art History
Section 2