School of Social and Policy Studies (social work)

Conducting a Marketing Analysis for “Starbucks UK”
April 3, 2020
April 3, 2020

School of Social and Policy Studies (social work)

School of Social and Policy Studies (social work)

Order Description

Three-year-old Peter’s life came crashing down this past year. Things seemed pretty good before that. His mother Tania (22 years old) stayed home to take care of him

and his older sister Kylie (5 years old) while his father Andrew (23 years old) worked on the assembly line at the nearby car factory. Due to the downturn in the

manufacturing industry, Andrew was laid off late last year, a victim of the last-in-first out policy of the factory. He could not find another job, became depressed

and started drinking heavily. Tania found a job at the nearby deli and insisted that Andrew take over the household chores and child care. He refused, saying that it

was her job. They argued and fought until finally Tania and the children left to live with her parents in a nearby suburb. Tania is filing for divorce. Peter started

wetting his bed and does not talk much.
Tania’s parents — Alberto (50 years old) and Ana (45 years old) — are from Chile, who immigrated to Australia in 1987. Tania is the third of five siblings. She and

Andrew met when they were in Year 10.
Andrew was born in country South Australia, the fourth child of John (Anglo- Australian, 65 years old) and Louise (Ngarrindjeri, 58 years old). Andrew never finished

school because he got mixed up “with the wrong crowd”. Fortunately when he was 19 he started an auto apprenticeship.

• Identify the issues the individual members and the family face?

• What social work theories would help you to understand to assess, and plan an intervention?

• What are the risks and opportunities the family faces?

Above is the discussion of a case and the 3 questions that need to be answered. Professor likes very clear structure; Introduction, Body, Conclusion.
My understanding is that the client is Peter – the 3 yr old boy. We are to write up about what social work theories we would use to assess and plan an intervention for

peter and his family. He said he does not expect us to actually do an assessment or intervention plan, but to simply explain theories that we would use to help us to

understand how to assess and plan an intervention and simply explain why these theories would be helpful in this.
This is obviously just for the second question. We also have to answer the first and third questions.
Identifying issues the individual family members face for example Tania being a second generation migrant etc.
Professor like only academic sources, hates Wikipedia. He said minimum of 5 references but good essays would generally have more so 8 or 9 would be preferable.