Wage Labor
May 9, 2020
Explaining a Political Phenomenon
May 9, 2020


Paper instructions:
Create 3 fictional scenarios in which an employer would have to deal with any of the following situations of employee poor behavior on the job, Substance Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Fighting, Work Family Conflicts, or Email (or Internet) abuse.

In doing so, for each case, give details of the type of employer, the history or the worker at that company, the incident which arose, why it was a clear violation of employer policy, what would be the likely result of arbitration of this issue if the employee acknowledged his wrong doing but asked to keep his job.

Explain the reasoning for your considered outcome. ??Remember, this is fictional. Create a believable situation, but know that you can have whatever outcome you choose! You may not work in conjunction with any other student to complete this paper.

You may present this as a paper (APA) in standard (times new roman, 12 pt. font) format or you may create a powerpoint. ?