Case study.crohan
October 22, 2020
The World Customs Organisation (WCO) has expressed some concerns about the world-wide implementation of the ‘SAFE’ framework, and has spoken of ad
October 22, 2020

Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has received accusation by other countries to be funding terrorism across the globe. The climate in Saudi Arabia is doing business and therefore no problem with trade. Their businesses are never through since sometimes they pay some companies certain amount of money to do business with them. Despite the huge incomes they receive from the oil products, the public service is never transparent. There are so many red tapes and corruption in public government offices


Auger’s payment is legal; he is paying that amount to ensure that he has won that contract. It cannot be a legal because he was supposed to follow the right procedure to win the contract. It is not fair for other companies when others are paying money to win contracts. Therefore, it means that Auger is using unfair means to win the contract depicting corruption. Auger should not pay the $100000 to secure the contract because the minister wants to allocate the contracts according to the way they conduct businesses. It is not allowed according to business agreement and the constitution to use such corrupt means to access something that deserves a competition and based on performance.

Question 3

Auger’s firm is a single firm where by it is making payment for it to win contracts. Saudi Arabia is a country that earns a lot of income from oil and therefore it does not suffer from and public debt. Saudi Arabia produces huge volumes of oil and therefore there is a lot of revenues generated from the business. He should know that Saudi Arabia does not depend on payment or suffer from public stock markets. I think Saudi Arabia is willing to get a company that will use their money to secure contracts but not a performing one. Auger’s case makes that point to be true and justified.

Question 4

I will recommend the Skyblue to continue with its business ethics and continue to shine even better than before. The win of a contract by Skyblue is through the way it conducted its business not just paying money to win the contract. Remember the minister chose the Skyblue Company because of its great business ethics. You cannot demand to win a contract just because you made a payout and yet you do not satisfy the minimum criteria.

South Africa

Question 1

The huge diversity of South Africa will force the MNCs to produce goods and services that will suit the demand and desires of different tribes in South Africa. There is different educational backgrounds in South Africa there not easy to know their economic behavior well. Language barrier may arise between the MNCs and the traditional South Africans. Different tribes and groups may react to different organization structure and setup.

Question 2

Both of the countries have racial discrimination. Racial segregation is majorly characterized in the US where other foreign races receive mistreatment just because they lack an America identity. Same case applies to South Africa

US have a better quality infrastructure than South Africa that has not yet reached the take off stage. There is huge inequality in terms of distribution of money in South Africa than in US. There is a problem of housing and living in South Africa than in South Africa. A lot of corruption and mismanagement of funds is more in South Africa compared to US. In America, there is a lot of mistrust on black America while in South Africa there is mistrust on the whites.


South Africa leaped so many benefits from the world cup because it created more than 160000 jobs for the South Africans. There was the rapid development of transportation infrastructure that created so many jobs to South Africans. In the field of transport still, there was an increase in the development of the South African highways. The economy got a boost.

Question 4

South Africa has a problem of corruption that undermines the economy legitimacy and prosperity. The service offered by the public sector remains uneven distributed. There are lot deaths that occur from curable diseases, and this shows the country’s unwillingness to invest proper education. Poor infrastructure always hinders the country from developing economically. It enables easy movement of commodities and people from one market to the other. To overcome such challenges the government should come up with developmental policies.


Question 1

There is cheap labor in Mexico, which makes better for the MNCs to invest in the economy since it will incur cheap labor. Mexico City is known to be one of nicest and biggest cities in the world there will be the availability of market to the products produced by the MNCs. Mexico has a nice weather that enables many people to live and there the weather will not disturb the businesses that will take place. Mexico is secure therefore; it can protect the investments of the MNCs.

Question 2

I do not think that cultural practices will play a role of an obstacle for MNCs to do their operations in the Mexican market. There so any Mexican workers working in America that have prepared this kind of move. USA is a neighbor of Mexico. Therefore; it can visit Mexican, study the cultural discrepancies between the two countries, and solve them.

In the European case, there will be much difference in terms of their cultures. The Europeans are very strict to observe the time to meet deadlines. While, in Mexico there no seriousness in observing time. Sometimes it is normal for meetings to be called off in the in the Mexican culture, unlike the European culture.

There are no many differences between Asian firm culture and that of Mexico. The two are almost similar even the way they start their day and start their business is similar.

Question 3

The MNCs will be concerned with knowing organizational culture in order to understand how the Mexican firms conduct their businesses. It will enable them have proper knowledge concerning how the people’s expectations to reduce rejection or collision. It is because of organization cultures that are different from one country to the other. MNCs will learn a greater deal to know how the Mexican workers are accustomed to doing various tasks in the firm or organization