SamSung and Microsoft _ AAA Strategy

Unnormalized tables Academic Essay
September 3, 2020
Numerical Reasoning Practice
September 3, 2020

SamSung and Microsoft _ AAA Strategy

SamSung and Microsoft _ AAA Strategy

Order Description
Use the Theory relating to Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage to explain how companies (SamSung & Microsoft) have used this theory for the pursuit of their businesses:


1/. “NO” Introduction
2/. A paragraph heading for each of Adaptation, Aggregation and Arbitrage containing discussion of ideas using your research outcomes of the 4 companies studied.
– you can focus on the industry-level analysis using the 4 companies researched. How has each industry been pursuing some or all the elements of the ‘AAA’ framework?
3/. Conclusion


– Demonstrated knowledge of the Model ‘AAA’ (/8)
– Capacity to apply this model to the companies/industries of your choice ( /5)
– The quality of the discussion and evaluation of the issues identified ( /3)
– The analysis and integration of ideas from journal articles and research materials ( /3)
– The correct use of Harvard Referencing throughout the report (the source of all ideas must be identified),( /1)