Rough Draft for Senior Reflection

September 14, 2020
Baroque painting
September 14, 2020

Rough Draft for Senior Reflection

Becoming a counselor has been my future goal from a very young age. I grew up admiring the work of my father as a counselor. Though at first I had thought of becoming a medical doctor, my perspectives changed along the way and I developed this great inspiration of emulating my dad. The fact that my mother is a medical doctor had made me consider medicine as my future goal. My concentration is in health Studies. Nothing could have separated me from this concentration due to my medical background. I developed an interest in health studies at a very tender age. The urge to concentrate in health sciences made me develop an interest in biology and philosophy disciplines. This interest was very evident, especially when I joined high school. I became a good biology student which further increased my health studies’ interest.

My Reflection as a Future Counselor

My father noticed my ambition of becoming a counselor like him and he decided to assist me in realizing my future goal. The major role he played was the constant advice he was giving me on how to become a successful counselor. He used to work as counselor in a certain university and every time I visited him, I was inspired by the way he was dealing with his clients. I came to learn that counseling was about helping people in need (Savickas 88). These needs varied from psychological needs to material needs. He used to tell me that helping a needy person whether psychologically or materially is what brings job satisfaction of a counselor. Students with various needs would come to his office for assistance (Baker 75). The most encouraging part of this job was the way clients would enter his office frustrated and then leave the same office looking happy. I knew I had to work hard in school so that one day I would be like him. Thus, my father played an integral role in molding my muddled thoughts into understanding what my future goal in counseling would be achieved.

Health studies require a person who is dedicated in his work because of the delicate nature of the courses under it (Savickas 89). I recall how our high school biology teacher used to insist that health sciences is a serious course that need a lot dedication from the individual. Biology is one of the most important subjects necessary in health studies. Due to the fact that I wanted to excel in health sciences I developed a strong liking of this subject. This positive mind about the subject made me to excel in it. I knew for sure that biology was the most significant subject that would make me achieve my future goal of becoming a counselor. Working hard was inevitable because this subject is wide and it entails understanding different biological concepts (O’Malley and Dupré 162).Concepts like understanding how the cell operates and what constitute life.

My interest in biology and philosophy discipline helped me understand the philosophy of biology. Philosophical interest growth in biology over the last thirty two years indicates a tremendous growth in biological sciences in the same period (O’Malley and Dupré 158).Knowledge in these disciplines enabled me to comprehend what constitute philosophy of biology and how philosophy matters to biology and vice versa. The philosophy of biology explains the three main types of philosophical enquiry. First, the context of biology addresses the philosophy of science general theses. Second, philosophy analyses the puzzle concepts within biology. Third, traditional philosophical questions discuss the biological appeals. The conduction of the first two types of philosophical enquiry requires a deeper knowledge in the actual biology. The concerned biological theories help in further subdivision of philosophy of biology (O’Malley and Dupré 167). Biology constitutes a wide range of disciplines ranging from the historical paleontology to the current biotechnology. Various issues in philosophy emerge in each field. These fields contributed a lot to the current knowledge I have in health sciences.

My biology love made most of my friend recommends medicine as my future career goal. But I had grown this personal liking for counseling career. I passed my high school final exam very well especially in biology and it helped in opening of my counseling career path. I recall how I was excited when I received my admission letter to the country’s best university to pursue a counseling course (Savickas 91). Though I am not yet through with my course, I have learnt a lot about counseling in the University. My father has been very influential in guiding me through my study. My university study has enabled me to understand that creating a good rapport with the client is a significant factor in counseling. A good counselor should demonstrate interpersonal skills and be likable by the client (Baker 76). He should also be readily available for sessions, offer something concrete and applicable and demonstrate a caring attitude. A counselor should act as a facilitator in enabling client to solve their own problems and still exhibit a genuine compassion and concern for the dilemma of the client.

I have learnt that for me to succeed in counseling, I must have passion and dedicate most of my time in it. I have come to appreciate that a good counselor is one who individualize the interaction of each client according to the type of their personality (Savickas 94). Listening to the client problems or needs have been shown to play a significant role in the counseling therapy. The counselor should ask questions after understanding the main problem presented by the client. The counselor should allow a client to express the goal they wish to achieve. The main work of the counselor in this stage is to evaluate the objective of the client goal. Helping client understand the real issues affecting the achievement of the desired goal should be of priority (Baker 79). The counselor should also explain the importance of holistic health, identity development and self-responsibility concepts. I believe I will meet my future goal of becoming an effective counselor.


My father played an integral role in influencing my decision to pursue my future goal in counseling. The major role he played was the constant advice he was giving me on how to become a successful counselor. Health studies require a person who is dedicated in his work because of the delicate nature of the courses under it. Biology is one of the most important subjects necessary in health studies. Due to the fact that I wanted to excel in health sciences I developed a strong liking of this subject. My interest in biology and philosophy discipline helped me understand the philosophy of biology. Philosophical interest growth in biology over the last thirty two years indicates a tremendous growth in biological sciences in the same period. Passing in biology during my high school motivated me to pursue a health related course in the university. I believe that once I am through with my college education I will make a successful counselor

Works Cited

Baker, S. B. (2001). Reflections on Forty Years in the School Counseling Profession: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Professional School Counseling, 5(2), 75.

O’Malley, Maureen A., and John Dupré. “Size doesn’t matter: towards a more inclusive philosophy of biology.” Biology & Philosophy 22.2 (2007): 155-191.

Savickas, Mark L. “Advancing the career counseling profession: Objectives and strategies for the next decade.” The Career Development Quarterly 52.1 (2003): 87-96.