Shopping for Perspectives at Walmart
March 12, 2020
write an essay about the Brazilian movie that’s named ” City Of God ” and analyze the movie as much as you could.
March 12, 2020

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan

Resilience Paper Handout

I. Definition of Resilience-A person who, in spite of tremendous difficulties is able to go on with
life and do well.
1 . Idea of victim to survivor to thriver
II. Four Factors That Comprise Resilience
1 . Adult Support
a. May be from within the family
b. May be an extended family member when nuclear family is unstable
C. May be person outside ofthe family (teacher, counselor, work supervisor, friend’s parent)
d. Often the resilient person is the one who seeks out the help (not the other way around)
2. Anchor Beliefs
a. Acts as a source of support when the world is falling apart
b. Could be religion or another form of spirituality
C. Meditation
d. Nature
e. Journaling
f. Person develops the beliefthat “this too will pass”
g. Person sees self as not as bad off as others
3 . Takes Action
a. Builds small steps one on another
b. Person gives self credit (or small rewards) for each small step and new action
C. Person ignores small slights, irritations
d. Idea of ignoring and “pushing past the problem”
e. Small steps, credit, and ignoring helps the person become resilient over time
4. Attitude of Hope
a. Optimistic attitude
b. Beliefthat the biggest limitation is what people place on themselves
C. Person constantly sees the positive side of life
d. Person is willing to make sacrifices and work hard
III. Other Definitions
1 . Risk Factor-Any situation, object, event, or circumstance that is associated with the higher
likelihood for the onset ofa problem, and a greater severity or longer duration ofthe problem
once it occurs (poverty, abuse, family alcoholism, disease, disability, family death).
2. Protective Factor-Any situation, object, event, or circumstance that improves a person’s
resistance to risk factors and disorder. Protective factors can modify problems directly or serve as
a buffer for them (supportive adult, intelligence, exercise, good health, attractiveness, financial
security, family support, opportunities for education or work, strong cultural opportunities).

Paper One Worksheet
Worth: 50 Points

There are many people who grow up in ideal circumstances, while others manage to overcome
extreme difficulties or obstacles in their lives and do well. In Paper One, students will further
their knowledge about lifespan development through reading about and examining an Elder or
historical figure (over the age of 65) who has served as a positive role model for the student. For
this paper, students will choose a person who has grown up in difficult circumstances or times,
but managed to overcome obstacles and do well. Students who successfully complete this paper
1 . Identify an admired Elder or historical figure, who has served as a positive role model.
2. Give a briefoverview ofthe person’s life, including age, ethnicity and culture, challenges,
transitions, and major life accomplishments.
3. Identify and discuss the major themes ofthe person’s life in terms ofone ofthe five main
theoretical approaches to lifespan development (jsychoanalytic, learning, cognitive,
evolutionary/socio-biological, or contextual). Please note that the evolutionary/socio-biological
approach is extremely difficult to discuss for the purposes ofthis paper, as it is difficult to
determine specific links between the far past and current functioning. Eclectic is not an
acceptable choice for this paper.
4. Discuss the concept ofresiliency in terms ofthis paper. The paper should include the risk
factors that were present, along with the protective factors that were in operation that resulted in
the person both becoming and remaining resilient. This information should be discussed in light
ofthe chosen theoretical approach.
5. Describe why this Elder or historical figure was chosen as a role model, including what the
student learned from the person, and how the person influenced the student to act in certain ways
or to live life more fully.
6. Write the paper in APA style.
7. Begin the paper with a cover page, include 5-7 pages oftext, and end with a reference page if
applicable. The paper should be written according to APA format, typed, double-spaced, printed
on one side ofthe paper, paper numbers upper right, 12 font, Times New Roman, and should be
free of grammar and tying errors.
8. References should be from scholarly sources and on-line dictionaries and encyclopedias may
not be used as references.
9. All material in this paper should be paraphrased, and points will not be earned for quotes.