roman empire
Please make certain that you have read the “Instructions for Writing the Essays” found on the Content page BEFORE writing this essay.
The Roman Empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 A.D. Discuss the reasons for the fall. How might these reasons compare to what is happening today in the United States? (See discussion below on how to handle the answer to this statement)
This essay will be used to examine critical thinking skills. As such, evidence must be used to develop a thesis statement and the student must develop their own defensible position on the topic.
Please Remember: The entire essay should be entirely in your own words, and no outside sources are allowed!
Instructions for Writing the Essays
Read these instructions BEFORE you begin each of the assigned essays.
The essay questions are designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the course lessons. Therefore, your essays should demonstrate how much history you have learned, and how well you understand the information.
Use information from your textbook, “Shelton’s Notes”, and the discussion forums when composing your essays. Unlike the online quizzes, you are allowed to look up information as you write the essays. DO NOT use any other sources for these essays.
Essays must be in your own words. DO NOT use quotes from the textbook, “Shelton’s Notes” or the discussion forums.
Each essay must be 700-1000 words, approximately 3 pages long, double spaced, with 1 inch margins. Essays should not be more than 5 pages long, or 1200 words.
Submit your essays before or on the due date as posted in the Course Outline on the course homepage.
Your essays must be composed in Microsoft Word (or saved in rich text format) before submitting.
Use the Dropbox to submit your essays to the instructor. DO NOT post your essays in the discussions. If you have trouble using the Dropbox tool, you may e-mail the instructor your essay as an attachment.
NO Late essays will be accepted.
Essays will be graded according to the following criteria:
Content: Demonstrate how much information you have learned.
Organization: Write in paragraphs. Each paragraph should be about 1 clear topic. Include an introduction at the beginning of your essay, and a conclusion at the end.
Grammar and writing style: Use correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Ability to follow directions: Read these instructions over before you write each essay.