Role of Non-Government Sector & Child Protection Work Academic Essay

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Role of Non-Government Sector & Child Protection Work Academic Essay

The research proposal will be assessed according to the following critera: (each criteria will be given equal weighting)

· Demonstrated case for the research including rationale

· Quality of proposed research design

· Critical awareness of both limits and possible external factors affecting the proposal.

· Strength of considerations of limitations and ethical issues within the research

· Adherence to academic conventions of writing (e.g. referencing; writing style)

2. Presentation:

In a maximum of 10 minutes give a presentation based on your written research proposal that includes the main areas listed above. All students (internal and external) must present but there are 3 options for doing so:

· Face to face (in class in the last 2 weeks of semester)

· Via a video file

· Via an audio file with some visual supporting documents

Those who choose to present via video or audio will be required to upload their file via Learnline Students who study externally but live locally can choose to come to the class to present if they wish.

Assessment criteria: (the weighting for each criteria is noted below)

Content of the presentation(ability to articulate the theoretical framework, the methods, methodology, data collection etc) (80 percent) Weight 55%

Structure of the presentation(origination of information, coherency and consistency in the way the slides are planned) Weight 30%

Ability to communicate in a coherent fashion Weight 15%

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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions