September 14, 2020
Baroque painting
September 14, 2020


Ethics refers to the standard of conduct that distinguish between worthy and unsatisfactory behaviors.

It is an art that concentrates on the study of standards of behavior, for example, logic, religious philosophy, law, brain research, or humanism

What is Research and Research Ethics?

Research is a methodical, socially sorted out quest for new and better knowledge.

Research Ethics allude to a complex set of qualities, principles and institutional plans that help constitute and manage a logical action. It is a codification of morals of science in practice.

Ethical Codes and Principles governing them.

Honesty- All social research correspondences ought to strive for honesty.

Objectivity- Strive to evade inclination in experimental design, information investigation, information elucidation and other areas where objectivity is normal or needed.

Integrity- Strive to keep guarantees and assertions; act with earnestness; strive for consistency of thought and activity.

Carefulness- Avoid remiss blunders and carelessness; painstakingly and discriminatingly inspect your work and the work of your companions.

Ethical Codes and Principles…cont.

Openness- Share information, results, thoughts, devices, assets. It ought to be open to feedback and new thoughts.

Secrecy- Strive to Protect private correspondences, for example, patient records.

Mindful Publication- Publish keeping in mind the end goal to develop research, not to develop your profession. Avoid inefficient and duplicative production.
Ethical Codes and Principles…Cont,

Non-Discrimination- Avoid discrimination on the premise of sex, race, ethnicity, or different variables that are not identified with their ability and honesty.

Competence- Maintain and enhance your particular expert skill and aptitude through long lasting instruction and learning; make moves to advertise your ability in science as a whole.Legality- Know and obey relevant laws of the land.Animal Care- When conducting research on animals, ensure that the animals are considered with respect and dignity.Human Subjects Protection- Strive to minimize harms and risks that will occur. Instead, maximize the benefits whenever you are dealing with human beings.

Role of Ethics in Research

Ethics strives at promoting the aims and principles of research such as knowledge, honesty, objectivity and so on.


It restricts against creating, misrepresenting, or distorting research information push reality and maintain a strategic distance from failure.

It pushes values that are vital to a community oriented work amid research process, for example trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness.


Copyright and licensing approaches are intended to ensure there is protected knowledge while empowering cooperation amongst researchers.

Role of Ethics…Cont.

Ethics guarantees that Researchers are considered responsible to the general population.


Forcing government strategies on research processes is important since it guarantee that research that is supported by the public fund is considered responsible to general society.

It aids in building public support for the research. That is, members of the public build trust on a research exercise whose values and integrity is unquestioned..

It champions good and other social qualities. Ethical slips made during the research process can fundamentally hurt individuals and the environment. An example is about a researcher who fails to comply with safety standards. The researcher not only pose physical risks to himself, but also exposes other people who might have access to the same.

Ethical Decision Making in Research

In spite of the fact that codes, approaches, and principals are exceptionally critical and helpful, in the same way as any set of standards, they don’t blanket each circumstance, and they regularly clash, and they require significant understanding. It is subsequently paramount for scientists to figure out how to translate, evaluate, and apply different exploration standards and how to settle on choices and to act in different circumstances. The greater part of choices include the clear application of moral guidelines.


Oliver, P. (2011). The Student’s Guide To Research Ethics. Berkshire, United Kingdom: Open University Press.

Tina, M., Melanie, M., Maxine, B., & Julie, J. (2012). Ethics in Qualitative Research. Los Angeles, United States of America: Sage.