Topic: Poetry Interpretation and Analysis
September 29, 2020
Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper analyzing the life cycle of a product. In your analysis, include the following:
September 29, 2020

Robot and Frank

Robot and Frank

In the film Robot and Frank, the audience is introduced to the concept of loneliness and technology. Analyze how the film portrays the relationship between technology, loneliness, and isolation. How does this compare to how this theme is portrayed in The Social Network?

The link to Robot and Frank
The link to The Social Network

Using Source Material
For this essay, you must summarize, quote, and paraphrase at least one of the following as the primary source: The Social Network, Robot and Frank, and The Circle. However, keep plot summary to a minimum, and only use it to advance your argument. You must also use at least one of the assigned secondary sources on these texts, available on Blackboard/Content/Secondary Sources. Lastly, provide your own experiences and observations as additional support. A strong essay will focus mostly on the primary source(s), with additional support from the secondary source, and your reflection on personal experience and observation.