Poverty and Pollution Case Study
May 29, 2020
Trade Development
May 29, 2020




The assessment for this Module took the form of two pieces of work. It is designed to assess your ability to understand, criticise and apply to a practical situation the concepts and techniques you have studied in this module. You have completed the first assessment which was a Phase Test containing numeric calculations and short answer questions. You are repeating the second assessment which is an Individual Assignment, this is detailed below; the weightings for these two pieces of work remain unchanged. You have been allocated a Portfolio, in your case Portfolio X, which you can assume is being managed by an existing fund manager and your Assignment should be based on this portfolio, a further copy of which is supplied. Assignment ? Word Limit 4000 words 70% Weighting

The requirements for the assignment are:

1. To measure and discuss the fund?s performance (capital, dividend and interest) from the inception date to your new cut off date.

2. To identify and where appropriate measure the main risks inherent in the portfolio which could stop the fund meeting its objectives. Your discussion should centre on stock specific (fundamental and technical), asset allocation and measurement risks.

3. To discuss key recommendations which should be made to the portfolio to ensure it meets the funds aims in the investment horizon.

In this Assignment, you will discuss how your portfolio could be reconstructed and managed to meet the aims of the fund set out in the supporting information. Your recommendations should consider a range of appropriate techniques for security selection and be fully researched.

You must also make reference to key academic theories underpinning portfolio construction and security analysis. It is expected that you draw upon an appropriate range of literature citations, industry journals and information sources throughout.

Feedback on this assignment will be provided to you in writing following assessment, any Assignment which exceeds the word limit by more than 10% will be penalised.

More requirements and detail information are in the file. Please make sure to read all of the information including the mark standards and Exsiting portfolios. If you have any questions, please leave me the message. Thank you very much.