Project Assignment Brief
Assignment DetailsThis is the principle assessment of the module and is essentially a piece of individual project work to run throughout the year.During the module you will learn about many different methods for assessing risks in different contexts. Your task is to perform some of these assessments for yourself, in order to gain the experience to judge the spectrum of tools available. Some methods are of course more rigorous than others and the breakdown below shows how the marks will be divided amongst them.Marks
1) Ticklist 5
2) SWOT 5
3) Fishbone diagram 5
4) Bowtie diagram 5
5) Risk ranking (from ticklist, with overall risk matrix) 10
6) FMEA 10
7) Fault tree (with structure function) 10
8) Reliability block diagram 10
9) Event tree 10
10) Comparative cost Benefit Analysis 10
11) Optimum budget allocation analysis 10
12) A reflective comparison of the methods in your portfolio 10You should select a hypothetical place to risk assess you are not (unfortunately) insured or cleared to inspect a real premises full of risks. Each of the above methods should agree and relate to the same place, and the assessment should be SPECIFIC to that place.
Examples: Hotel, train station, art gallery, university building, stadium.
A place with three rooms (or your flat) does not impress the course externals/employers.
An oil refinery, nuclear site or military complex is probably too ambitious.
You are looking for a balance between achievable in the space and shows your skill.You are advised to relate each class to the set assignment like a hit-list, and to approach methods as soon as topics are encountered in order to best manage your assessment workload.If you use team-working during your study and revision to crack problems, please be aware that your submission is a concise statement of what you understand individually. Similar or identical work will raise plagiarism alarm signals.Original work (i.e. your own tables/diagrams and words) will attract higher marks than materials derivative from the internet.The word limit is 4,000 words (+/-10%). This includes quotations and appendices. Tables will be computed as 200 words per page. The word count must be printed on the front page of your work this year.Remember:
You must keep to the word limit of 4,400 words (i.e. 4000 +/- 10%).
You must demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes
As you construct and present your work, consider the assessment criteriaFollowing SSLC student feedback in 2014/15 the word-count must be LITERALLY observed in 2015/16. In response to student demand (September 2015) the wordcount has been raised to 4000 from 3000 (you asked, we did!). For each 100 words you submit in excess of 4400 a penalty of 1% will be deducted from the final mark.Presentation Instructions
It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is neatly and accurately presented.The work must be:
Single sided
1.5 or double line spaced
Ariel or Times 12 point font
Page numbered
On A4 paper
Margins left and right 3cm
Submitted with a completed assignment cover sheet.Marks may be deducted for failure to follow these instructions. Please look at the Student Guide to Assessment for more information.Referencing
All academic writing must be referenced. If you use other peoples ideas without referencing them you are plagiarising their work.
Harvard system
This will take the form: surname, year of publication, page number, and is enclosed within brackets, for example (Bradley 1998, 277). At the end of your work you should provide an alphabetical list of all the works you cite.PlagiarismThe use of work produced for another purpose by you, working alone or with others, must be acknowledged.Copying from the works of another person (including Internet sources) constitutes plagiarism, which is an offence within the Universitys regulations. Brief quotations from the published or unpublished works of another person, suitably attributed, are acceptable. You must always use your own words except when using properly referenced quotations.You are advised when taking notes from books or other sources to make notes in your own words, in a selective and critical way.You can see your own similarity index from turn-it-in when you submit the work, and can overwrite and re-submit up until the deadline.If your hypothetical place has a freely available risk assessment on the internet, then that is not your own work.SubmissionYour work must be submitted with:
a front cover sheet (detailing the module code and title, coursework title, module name and student name, word count, date submitted). a fully completed School Assessment Cover Sheet.The assignment should be submitted electronically before 12.00 noon on the given date via Turnitin (a guide to submitting work via Turnitin can be found on Blackboard).
The assignment is worth 80% of the total module assessment.Learning outcomes
This assessment will test your ability to meet the learning outcomes as described in your module booklet, specifically:1. Employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methods for application to risk assessment
2. Critically evaluate a risk assessment
3. Perform the optimum allocation of resources in a risk management plan informed by risk assessment
4. Assess relevant documents and communicate the essential and important point