Rights and responsibilites of non-custodial parents with active child support orders

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Rights and responsibilites of non-custodial parents with active child support orders

Rights and responsibilites of non-custodial parents with active child support orders
Problem Statement: an overview of the topic your research will investigate. It introduces and justifies your research question, key variables, their hypothesized relations, and your guiding theoretical perspective. It explains how your planned research is unambiguous in its goals and methods, concerned with a significant issue that will add to the store of human knowledge, theoretically justifiable and testable, practical and feasible to implement, ethical and respectful of human rights, and builds on existing knowledge in the field. Literature Review: a critical summary of existing research your project will build upon. Your review will evaluate at least five other relevant research projects from original sources in reputable, peer-reviewed journals. The lit review discusses previous research, as it influences the proposed project. It evaluates the methodological, theoretical, or substantive strengths or weaknesses of those studies and explains how they shape your research plans. Ethics & Conduct of Research: (max. 1500 words) summarizes potential ethical dilemmas, political consequences, and practical challenges associated with designing, conducting, implementing, and disseminating your research. It explains where your research process might go wrong and the safeguards you will put into place to minimize those risks. Design & Procedures: describes and justifies your plans for measurement, sampling, design, analysis, and interpretation of results. It explains which data you would collect, when you would collect it, and what you would do with it to make sense of your topic and shed new light on your research question €” and how and why. This section is a set of how to instructions for actually turning your good idea into a real plan for scientifically answering your original question. Your research proposal is a carefully constructed argument for why your question should be answered and how a valid and reliable answer might be obtained. It should be a meticulous set of instructions for generating an answer according to the rules of scientific method, and it should make the case to interested parties for how such an answer can be achieved. Focus on rights and responsibilities of non-custodial parent visitation, non-custodial parents that pay support and those that are in arrears, rights of jobless non-custodial parents,what determines the child support amount, and child support orders that are arranged by the non-custodial parent.