individual personality, strengths and business competencies
May 27, 2020
Event Planning Company (Weddings, Birthday Parties,& Anniversary Parties)
May 27, 2020

rhetorical summary


use these links and write a rhetorical summary and try to find controversy between the sides use atleast 2 links or 3


Works Cited

Anonymous. First-in-the-Field Doctrine for Water Supply Companies Not Recognized in Arizona. American Water Works Association. Journal 101.8 (2009): 18.

Cohn, Jeffrey P. Meting Out Water in Arizona. BioScience 60.9 (2010): 772.

HT Media Ltd. Secretary Salazar announces $1.8 million of economic recovery funding to improve water conservation in Arizona. US Fed News Service. Washington, D.C.: HT Media Ltd., 9 November 2009.

McKinnon, Shaun . Arizona Navajo, Hopi water deal revision stirs controversy. 13 May 2012. 3 March 2015 <>.

Mitch, Tobin. ARIZONA; Water holes awash in controversy. High Country News. Arizona: High Country News, 26 April 2004.

Loomis, Brandon . 50 years later, Glen Canyon Dam still controversial. 14 October 2013. 3 March 2015 <>.

Shamir, Eylon , et al. Climate change and water resources management in the Upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona. Journal of Hydrology 521.32 (2015): 18€“33.


mention these

1:a description of the intended audience and the relationship the author established with the audience




For this online learning activity you are asked to a series of links and scan read the material in the blogs and articles. Please note that you are not expected to read the whole blog. You can get a feel for the content by scan reading.

You will be graded out of 100 but the total mark counts towards only 20% of your final mark. In your discussion, you may like to comment on the following:

? Your initial reaction to these posts

? Research ethics and publication in general

? The impact of the internet and social media on exposing research misconduct

? How research misconduct impacts on public health and public confidence

? Impact of this event on you and your approach to research literature

? Legal, ethical and human consequences


The following can be used to focus the content of your online discussion:

Clearly develops an argument/response to this information

Uses data/examples from the reports to support or illustrate this argument/response

Comments on overall impact of the information and the way it is presented

Responds appropriately to previous discussion by classmates

Summarises overall impacts and consequences illustrated by these examples

Discusses tension between legal, ethical and human costs/benefits of research and research misconduct