Review the literature on the impact of the Internet on information literacy and library skills.

Analysis of perspectives
March 30, 2020
Discussion Post**Scarlettutor only***
March 30, 2020

Review the literature on the impact of the Internet on information literacy and library skills.

Topic: Review the literature on the impact of the Internet on information literacy and library skills.


Paper instructions:

WRTG 391 Assignment #3: Literature Review

Review the literature on the impact of the Internet on information literacy and library skills.

In reviewing the literature on this topic, you may want to draw upon what Neil Postman says about technology and information in Technopoly, especially in chapters 4 and 5.

For example, you might review the literature on one or more of the following. These are just examples. Many approaches are possible for this topic.

a. The impact of the Internet on plagiarism in student papers.

b. The impact of the Internet on research methods among students.

c. The impact of Wikipedia and other web 2.0 applications on the use of information.

Approach and Requirements

You have written an annotated bibliography of 12 sources on a topic. Now, in writing a literature review, you will be asked to synthesize and summarize at least 10 scholarly articles on the topic.

Your literature review should be 10-12 pages long, not including your “references” pages at the end of the review.  In addition, as stated above, your literature review should include at least 10 sources in the “references” section.


Your literature review should be organized in the following manner:

Introduction: Write one or two paragraphs in which you introduce the reader to your topic.

Categories: Divide your sources into a few categories. A suggestion is that you divide them into three to five categories. Writer’s Help has some sample literature review papers. You might find these samples helpful in seeing how writers organize the literature on a topic into categories.

Conclusion: Summarize what the literature says on your topic.