Review and refine their understanding of the the steps in the research process: selecting a topic, gathering information, using a variety of resources

If anything, what is wrong with consumerism as we have discussed it? Is it hurting our culture? Helping it? Both?
July 28, 2020
Module 2 Assignment: Ways of Knowing
July 28, 2020

Review and refine their understanding of the the steps in the research process: selecting a topic, gathering information, using a variety of resources

Students will review and refine their understanding of the the steps in the research process: selecting a topic, gathering information, using a variety of resources, writing an outline, completing and revising a rough draft, and producing a final product.
Select an expository topic to research (see next page) focused on some aspect of human rights violations in the world. The topic may be current or from history. If a topic is not on the list and you are interested in researching it, please seek approval from your teacher.
Select one topic from the assigned list. Research that topic and form an assertion based upon that topic to effectively communicate in a well-written 6-8 page research paper. The Works Cited page does NOT count as a page. Research papers must be written using MLA Format that incorporates both parenthetical citations and Works Cited. No work may be submitted until the prior work has been completed. Students must turn in a hard copy in class in order for the paper to be considered ON TIME. In addition, a paper submitted without a works cited page, parenthetical citations, or MLA Format will be considered incomplete and will count as a 0. Students must submit the paper on time, on the due date. If you are absent the paper must be submitted on the due date. Please see the page entitled Basic Requirements for specific details related to the paper. You are responsible for knowing all requirements.
Project Evaluation (These dates are subject to change.)
Sources (8-10 sources minimum, 8 sources cited in paper) due: ___________ (20 pts.)
Working Bibliography due: _______________ (40 pts.)
Notecards (1-40) due: ____________ and (41-80) due: _____________ (80 pts. each)
Thesis due: ____________________ (10 pts.)
Working Outline due:___________________ (40 pts.)
Introduction due: _________________ (20 pts.)
1st Body paragraph due: _______________ (20 pts.)
2nd Body paragraph due: _______________ (20 pts.)
Typed Rough Draft due: _____________________ (60 pts.)
Typed Works Cited due: _____________________ (40 pts.)
Final paper due (hard copy) _________________ ( 550 points) NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED.
NOTE: Research papers must be submitted to in order to check the accuracy of your documentation, summarization, and paraphrasing. Any papers found to be plagiarized will receive an automatic grade of zero with no opportunity for correction. You will be required to do the majority of the writing during class by hand. You will turn in this rough draft and it will be checked for consistency when grading. It would be helpful to have a legal pad or spiral notebook devoted entirely to writing the research paper.