response about Stephen Cruzby Studs
This response should be entitled as follows: Reading Response, Name of Article’. Two paragraphs.
In the first paragraph, include the title of the article and the author. Use his or her complete name. After you have given the author’s name, be sure to refer to him or her by their last name in the rest of your response. In this first paragraph, give a brief summary of the article, telling what you think is the author’s main point, and briefly tell how the author has gone about explaining his or her point. By point’, I mean his or her opinion, or, if you don’t consider it opinion, his or her main point of fact. In any event, don’t spend the entire response saying what the author has said.
The second paragraph should consist of YOUR thoughts and feelings about the article and the author’s ideas. You can do this by indicating your own experiences as a way of agreeing or disagreeing with the author, or you can base your ideas on other things you have read or that you have learned about. Try to find some way of connecting with the piece, whether experientially or academically. (I am an international student from China, so please try your best to write it from an international student’s perspective, and don’t just summary)