September 6, 2020
health informatics
September 7, 2020

reservoir simulation

reservoir simulationOrder DescriptionFaculty of Business Environment and Society
Department of GEDM
Use BASE-CASE.DATA that you have access to it from student shared area: W:BESSTUDENTM103GEDCoursework, and perform the following calculations and answer the questions:
A. Calculate the original stock tank oil in place (STOOIP).
(10 marks)
B. Run BASE-CASE.DATA and plot field average pressure (FPR) vs. time on Figure 1. You will see that the pressure drops during the first few years and then increases during the last few years. Explain why this happened?
(10 marks)
C. Numerical dispersion phenomena are due to the coarseness of the grid, which make an artificial spreading of water front. This error can be reduced by making a finer grid.
Copy BASE-CASE.DATA to A.DATA. Refine A.DATA by a factor of 10 in the X, Y, and Z directions to minimize numerical dispersion error. Plot field oil production total for both refined model and base case model vs. time on Figure 2 and field average pressure for both models vs. time on Figure 3 then discuss your results.
(10 marks)
D. Copy BASE-CASE.DATA to B.DATA. Investigate the effect of capillary pressure in your model by multiplying the capillary pressure values by 20 in your new model.
Plot field oil recovery for both new model and base case model vs. time on Figure 4 and discuss your results about the effect of capillary pressure on the reservoir flow behaviour.
(10 marks)
E. In reality Kv/Kh might vary because of some geological reasons. Copy BASE-CASE.DATA to C.DATA. Study the effect of Kv/Kh ratio in your new model by changing it to 1.
Plot field water injection total for both the new model and base case model vs. field oil recovery on Figure 5. Discuss your results, taking geological factors into account in particular.
(10 marks)
F. Copy BASE-CASE.DATA to D.DATA. Edit the new file so that the model has zero transmissibility between layer three and four.
Plot field oil recovery for both new model and base case model vs. field water cut on Figure 6. Discuss your results and explain the effect of these changes on oil recovery.
(10 marks)
G. Copy BASE-CASE.DATA to E.DATA. If you are going to use polymer flooding (polymer solution with a viscosity = 10 cP) for just one layer in this model, which layer would you choose and explain the reasons for your selection. See appendix A for adding polymer into your model.
Plot appropriate curve(s) to justify your selection on Figure 7.
(10 marks)
H. Investigate the effect of uncertainties of the formation volume factor (Bo) values on the field average pressure (FPR) and filed oil recovery (FOE)?
(10 marks)
I. Assume there are some faults in your Base case model, but you are not sure about their transmissibilities. Outline a conventional process for evaluating uncertainty in a reservoir simulation model, using these faults particular transmissibility uncertainties as an example.
(10 marks)
J. Calculate total oil production without using secondary drive mechanism.
(10 marks)
End Good Luck
Appendix 1:
Step one: add POLYMER keyword in RUNSPEC section.
Step two: in PROPS section add PLYVISC as viscosity multiplier vs. polymer concentration.
Step three: again, in PROPS section use the following keyword to switch off polymer adsorption: PLYADS, PLYROCK, and PLYMAX.
Step four: add PLMIXPAR in PROPS section to take account of Polymer Todd-Longstaff mixing parameters.
Step five: in SCHEDULE section add WPOLYMER keyword after WCONINJ.