Research Proposal on Forestry Decentralisation and Deforestation In Indonesia Academic Essay

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Research Proposal on Forestry Decentralisation and Deforestation In Indonesia Academic Essay

Assignment 1 Part A = 20% and comprises slides
Please prepare 10 slides to outline your paper
it is preparation for the 4500 word paper and should cover the following:
Statement of the area of concern
Application of thinking tools and Key questions
Design a PAR response to the area of concern

Assignment 1B = draft outline of the design proposal
Plse submit the entire paper of 4500 words and your slides in the Assignment 2 drop box.
Overall you are all on the right track
My intention is merely to ensure that you have completed the following steps:
1. Introduction on the area of concern
2. Rationale for choice
3. Key questions
4. Literature review
5 Design to address the area of concern – Hint – follow the ethics form provided in the box containing examples. Remember to include the questions you will ask when you undertake the PAR linked with a Community of Practice
6 Conclusion

This is 4500 words Research Proposal, with more or less 400 words of Slide Presentation based on Research Proposal. The topic I choose is Research Proposal on Forestry Decentralisation and Deforestation In Indonesia (Topic title is tentative, you can modified). I sent you examples from current student/classmate : Arif Rahman’s Powerpoint Slide and Research Proposal draft; Maruf’s Powerpoint Slide, and also the last semester student : Agus’ Research Proposal and Foluke’s Project Proposal in order to make you understand about assignment task. This proposal consists of several parts: introduction, background, areas of concern, rationale, literature review, design / methodology, and conclusion. Please noted that Ulrich 12 question and Participatory action research (PAR) must be included in design/methodology part. Please do not copied from them as my lecturer will notice the content or structure because we are on the same class and my campus has anti-plagiarism software.
For more or less 400 words powerpoint slide, you can see the stucture of Arif’s or Maruf’s work.
I also sent article related on Decentralisation of Forestry and Deforestation and my previous semester assignment titled “Forestry Decentralisation in Indonesia” , you can also add your own resources
Please provide me where information/idea is being drawn from (Sources/author, year, page, and PARAGRAPH). I have bad experience about wrong citation in the past with other writer, where ideas from author A was mentioned as ideas from writer B. Please cited accurately as my lecturer will check the reference one by one. My last order with other writer has assessment about accuracy of resources.
If you have any question please sent me message.
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions