Research proposal Academic Essay

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Research proposal Academic Essay

My research proposa title is:
How can a start-up brand succeed in the market of today?

with idea of why are some brands successful and not others
defining success – how do we measure success – for example, Olivier Theyskins achieved huge fame and ‘success,’ in his work for Rochas in terms of press coverage, and celebrity endorsement, however this did not lead to sales.
likewise Meadham Kirchoff recently disbanded
We can look at Kawumura – and the idea of gatekeepers – why a brand is and is not accepted into the industry
Also the use of Isabel Marant as a case study (considering Marant’s link to Emmanuelle Alt, and her art director husband…)
Or the huge success in only 4 seasons of The fashion brand: Vetements
making sure that there is a concrete conclusion and advise

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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions