Research Project Proposal – The UK in a Changing Europe Academic Essay

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September 4, 2020
EEE-200 Disc.2
September 4, 2020

Research Project Proposal – The UK in a Changing Europe Academic Essay

A single word-processed document containing all material pertaining to all tasks. ? The word count is 3000 words, not including the appendices. ? The document should be properly structured as an essay with a bibliography (online and literature sources) and appendices (where necessary). Refer to the Assignment Presentation Requirements for more information (see front cover). ? Produce clear and specific reasoning to justify answers. Use standard Arial font size 11. use 1.5 line spacing. have 2.5 cm margin on the left hand side and 2 cm margin on the right hand side . include page number headings: use 16 point Arial point for the first line headings ,and 14 Arial point for the second line heading ,if third heading is required use 12 point Arial bold . first page should be the title page . ensure proof reading . include the total word count at the end of the assignment . use accurate Harvard referencing. electronic document must be readable by Microsoft word 2003
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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions