Research Paper for System Analysis and Design

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March 28, 2020

Research Paper for System Analysis and Design

Research Paper for System Analysis and Design

Due Date:
Paper is due by 11:59pm on Tuesday February 12, 2013
100 points (based on the rubric below)
Description: You will be required to prepare a 6+ pages (double-spaced) document on one of the topics listed below.
A. Minimum 6 full pages (not 4.5 or 5.9)
a. Automatic 10 points off if less than the minimum page length
B. Double-spaced
C. Times New Roman 12pt font
D. 1” margins
E. Page Numbering starting after the title page
F. MLA formatting including MLA references for all references! (No Wikis…use EBSCO and peer reviewed journals)
a. Minimum 5 good references (peer-reviewed or scholarly journals or books)
G. No first person (no “I”) – Provide data in an objective manner based on research not based on your personal feelings or beliefs.
Possible topics
1. ERP systems
2. UML
3. Knowledge Systems
4. Agile Development (JAD, RAD)
6. Data Flow Diagrams
Format: My recommended format is as follows:
Executive Summary (1/2 page)
Introduction: (1/2 page)
History of the System (1-1.5 pages)
Description of System (2-4 pages)
Advantages and Disadvantages (1 page)
What would good additions to this application be? (1/2 page)
Conclusions (1 page)
References (1/2 a page)
** indicates something that requires RESEARCH – peer reviewed and real solutions
Academic Integrity: Please do not turn in someone else’s work as your own. I am happy to sit down and help you with this effort but please do research and writing on your own. We will be using SafeAssign for our papers. It goes line-by-line to check each sentence in your paper. Please do not plagiarize. I will be forced to fail you – best case for the assignment, worst case for the course.