Argument Analysis Paper
July 13, 2020
The Human Resource Function of a Retail Store
July 13, 2020

research design

For the purposes of this given exercise, the goal was to take into account the research question that I had initiated and developed earlier, which was to discover if there is any particular, direct or correlation that exists between a faculty member’s amount of research that he/she conducted so far and his/her underlying teaching capacities and capabilities.

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For the purposes of this given exercise, the goal was to take into account the research question that I had initiated and developed earlier, which was to discover if there is any particular, direct or correlation that exists between a faculty member’s amount of research that he/she conducted so far and his/her underlying teaching capacities and capabilities. At times, there is the general assumption that those teachers that might have been actively engaged in doing a lot of academic research might have collected a lot more data and information which they could then utilize for teaching purposes and, by doing so, might make that teaching even more conductive and efficient. Or, alternately, that the time spent teaching is time that is taken away from research (and vice versa!) Hence, the identified relationship as part of this research question is how well a teacher performs his or her academic and teaching requirements based on the amount of academic research (such as in the form of scholarly publications, articles, or authored texts) that the faculty member has conducted so far. The independent variable here is the faculty member’s research productivity; whereas the dependent variable would be his or her teaching ability. Given the way you have framed the hypothesis, this makes sense. The expectation is that the greater the amount of research that has been performed, the better and more effective the teaching mechanism, manner, and mode would be. Next, from the available multiple method designs, the one selected as deemed to be most appropriate for my research is the use of Creswell & Plano-Clark’s (2007) 3 Basic Mixed Methods Design approach. Well, there were 3 designs presented. It sounds like you are using the merge design. The reason that this particular mixed method design was selected over others is because it is able to take an in depth look at the analyzed and gathered quantitative data, but at the same time, also decipher the results of the


