Research cycle: Reading begets an idea, which is then mentally

Risk Management and Corporate Governance
June 4, 2020
relevant sociological concepts presented in the course.
June 4, 2020

Research cycle: Reading begets an idea, which is then mentally

Research cycle: Reading begets an idea, which is then mentally developed. Funding is sought. A research plan is developed. When plan is carried out, information is recorded and then

processed. Finally the information is published. And the cycl;e begins anew, with others reading the published information.


Scientific research on human development shapes public opinion and public policy: It provides support for editorial articles; it is cited by lawyers petitioning the Supreme Court; and it is the

basis for policy decisions that influence the distribution of funds to educational and social programs. Political considerations often play the biggest role in policy decision, but opinion makers

and policy makers lend credibility to their arguments by citing social science research.


Therefore, when we look at a news article or a policy statement we first check on the social science research the authors use to support their claims. Next, we evaluate the research they are

citing to see if it supports the claims they are making (whether it is valid and reliable).


Your task for this written assignment is the following:
2.Find journal articles about two anti-bullying programs currently implemented in schools. Cite them in your Reference List.
3.Briefly describe scientific evidence in each article that supports or critiques the program.
4.Provide a brief critical analysis of each program. This is the place to bring in your personal experience, if it is relevant.
5.Provide a conclusion about which program you think is more useful, based on the evidence you provide.
