Research Analysis Paper: Disasters caused by earthquakes and volcanoes in Indonesia

Individual Analysis and Reflection
June 23, 2020
PA Report
June 23, 2020

Research Analysis Paper: Disasters caused by earthquakes and volcanoes in Indonesia

Research Analysis Paper: Disasters caused by earthquakes and volcanoes in Indonesia

Order Description

instructions for details regarding this order.

Course:  CONF 665: Conflict Resolution in Complex Humanitarian Crises

Course Description:  This unique, hands-on class is designed to simulate a humanitarian crisis and create the learning environment where participants actively practice and demonstrate the skills needed to lead through a crisis.  Students will deploy to a fictional, war-torn country.  By assuming a series of roles and responsibilities, students together seek to formulate and implement strategies and interventions for managing a disaster in a “lived” scenario.  The students experience common obstacles, disputes, and challenges that must be proactively addressed and resolved as the exercise unfolds.

Learning Objectives:  Students will
•    learn the skills and expertise needed to be a Conflict Resolution Professional who is working with and serving others under emergency conditions.
•    come to understand the varied issues of disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.
•    practice how to prevent or alleviate human suffering through the simulation of many facets of disaster operations.
•    learn to analyze a multitude of interests, political concerns, and international and domestic issues.  Students will understand and practice the skills of negotiating, mediating, organizing, and providing disaster relief services.
•    Conduct a self-reflective analysis of the role of the Conflict Resolution Professional in a humanitarian crisis and analyze how practitioners can work better with others to design strategic plans for controlling violence and resolving conflict.

Class Topics:
Class 1- Introduction & Anatomy of a Crisis:  Narratives, Framing & Meaning Making
Class 2- Who Should Intervene and How
Class 3- How Does One Prepare?
Class 4- Field training exercise
Class 5- How Do We Measure Resiliency & How Do We Capture
Learning from the Last Disaster?

Assignment: Please select a domestic or international disaster and analyze it from any perspective you prefer, e.g., environmental, media coverage, economic issues, leadership issues, etc.  You may also select an issue and compare two different disasters.  The role of conflict analysis and resolution must figure prominently in your research and analysis.  Your paper should reflect your own thoughts and analysis.  Most papers will be around 10-15 pages long (double spaced).  Please provide a clear statement of your thesis and highlight it within your paper.

Instructions for this order:

For this order, you are to write a full 12page term/research paper according to the assignment indicated above. The topic of your paper is focused on the impact of disasters caused by earthquakes and volcanoes in Indonesia. SEE ATTACHED DOC. “PROPOSAL” you may still need to select an specific natural disaster of Indonesia to comply with the assignment requirements.

This paper is a conflict analysis and resolution focus writing paper, which means that it is important to only draw out the most important things and not spend too much time in going around in circles to get to a point.  Also, the last section of your paper must be composed of a “Recommendations”.

Also Provide specific examples to elaborate your arguments, provide an in depth analysis by relating it to the course readings/concepts, and finally, tie it all together into one concise research paper that is easy for your readers to understand. **See Attached “course reading”

****Fundamentals of Writing:
–    It is important that the entire paper is well organized, coherent, concise and to the point.
–    The structure of your paper should move smoothly from one point to the next, the same way you want your audience’s thought to go. Therefore, Transitions between paragraphs, recommendations or stating an issue, needs to be well elaborated and explained clearly.
–    Do not use filler words within your sentences. e.g. “in order to”, or “the parties”. If you have labeled/header as the parties section within your paper, do not write “the parties again” within that section- these are filler words and they should not be used repetitively. Also, make sure you don’t over use the word “and” repetitively within the same sentence twice. This becomes confusing and redundant.
–    Use creative action verbs to start a direct sentence, such as;
o    Create – Sentence 1
o    Design – Sentence 2
o    Implement – Sentence 3
–    Your paper should be written in a way that someone who doesn’t know anything about your topic, should be able to understand what your paper and arguments are about.