Reporting sustainability topic Fisheires

Do Computers Have Negative Effects on Family and/or Social Relationships?
March 11, 2020
Download this quiz. Answer the questions and e-mail it back to [email protected] by Saturday midnight of the FIFTEENTH WEEK OF CLASSES. (DEC 13.)
March 11, 2020

Reporting sustainability topic Fisheires

Reporting sustainability topic Fisheires

Task Description:
Write a report to the CEO of your chosen company outlining a business case for reporting for sustainability. Outline the type of reporting that is relevant for the business and justify the need for such reporting through the decision-making literature, business, scientific & social sustainability literatures. This assignment requires a sound knowledge of the challenges facing organizations and the current means available to manage these challenges. You are encouraged to point out limitations of the reporting and decision-making tools currently available for managing impacts your organizations is expected to experience and how these may be overcome.

G4 sustainability reporting guidelines


G3 allowing t reporting

G4 is good much better than g3