Management of the environment and natural resources
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Crowd funding involves funding a project through money raised from monetary contributions from other people through the internet
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Report on Monocle Hong Kong

Monocle is a global brand located in several countries including the UK, US, and China. The company deals with various goods and services such as footwear, radio, magazine, films, and radio. The company has franchised into various regions including Hong Kong China, where all these services and goods are sold. As much as the firm boasts of a huge volume of shop sales, the company also has a huge internet presence where other sales take place. The most pronounced piece of business associated with this company is its magazine, which is dedicated to the provision of a global perspective on global affairs, mores, fashion and design, and business (Chauveinc, 2014).

The business has several best practices in that it has always stuck to the business code of conduct in most of its operations. The shop attendants have a huge knowledge of etiquette and personal relations. Indeed, the company is founded on strong personal relations strategies that are evident every time a client patrons their establishment. In other sectors, the company has a strong corporate image that enabled it to form an association with a Japanese designer, Touka Talla, for the design and production of Talla Clogs. This aspect of the company has increased its fame and sales at its shops and on the internet (Monocle, 2015).

Monocle has several stores in Hong Kong and all over the world, which makes sure that the services and products are near the clients. The retail stores use technology that manages the orders and the sales. This eases the work of the workers while makes sure that the service is effective and exciting for the clients. The best retail center from Monocle is its website because it takes orders and conducts sales on its interactive site. The consumers can get every offering from the shop on the site that has been divided into radio, film, magazine, and shop sections. The magazine can be subscribed over the internet by paying a certain amount of money while other services such as those from the shop can be ordered. The use of the internet for retailing is a revolution of innovation that has brought the retailing aspect of this business into newer and greater heights (Monocle, 2015).

The use of the internet and the physical retailing outlets makes the shop Omni-channel. His aspect has also made the company increase its sales with most of the sales coming from the digital marketing because it reaches many consumers. The company has huge following, especially in the magazine business. The scope of the magazine has changed the industry by most competitors changing their tactics (Chauveinc, 2014).

As much as the company is performing better than others are, its magazine section would have the best business if it forms a partnership with Korean beauty products. This is because Korean products are in high demand both in the ASEAN region and in Europe and the USA. Indeed, reports suggest that Korean cosmetics is in high demand in the US. A partnership would increase the company’s sales and fame (Chauveinc, 2014).


Chauveinc, M. (2014). Monocle. Information Technology and Libraries ITAL.

Monocle / Global Briefing. (2015). Retrieved June 1, 2015, from