Northern Renaissance Assign.#1
1- List at least three causes for the reformation.
2- On what did the reformers and the humanists agree? There are at least eight of them.
3- What role did the printing press play in the Reformation?
Northern Renaissance Assign.#2
Answer in complete thoughts and sentences: Apply characteristics specifically to the art works.
1- List and explain at least four characteristics of Durer’s art. Give examples
2- What is the significance of the Isenheim Altarpiece? Describe the piecewhere wasit installed and why?
Northern Renaissance Assign.#3
Answer completely, using specific examples.
1- What similarities are portrayed by Bosch and Bruegel. Give artwork examples.?
2- Name all the characteristics( and what they mean) of Elizabethan music. There are at least seven.
3- Describe the life and contributions of Marlowe and Shakespeare. Describe their plays. What themes run through their works?