Religion and the tremendous changes

September 10, 2020
Maternal and Child Health Indicators for Doyle community in Lassen County, California Name
September 10, 2020

Religion and the tremendous changes

The book talks about religion and the tremendous changes with respect to modernity and the politics of the American people. Many Americans are religious and believe in tithing to the church, as the Bible requires them to do. The religious festivals, such as the Christmas celebrations remain relevant to many people of America, with many celebrating it annually through decorations and gifts. Americans are more religious than the Europeans are because they believe more in the teachings in the Holly books and pray more often compared to the Europeans. There is no major separation between religions, politics in America since most of the political functions start with some prayers, and there are religious presentations. According to the author, many Americans are religious ve so much in the religion, the heaven and hell. The secularist believe that there must be a gap between the religion and the state and those advocating any religious believes should keep them away from the public. ThereHonorable Court.’

There are many believers in America although some may not be staunch Christians. The fact does not hinder them from practicing their belief in a supreme being and the life after death. Even some of the secularists once believed in one religion or the other. Marjory of the citizens claim and strongly believe in Jesus Christ. There are also non-believers in America, who do not profess any faith and believe that being religious is a waste of time and energy. In some cases, there is no separation between religion and the public as seen from some of the magazine publications with pictures of Mary and Jesus on the cover pages. A number of secularists are not comfortable with the way Christianity dominates the public arena in the US compared to Europe where secularism is higher than religion. America has both the religious people and the secular people though the religious group is larger than the secular group.

America is a nation of many religious groups with Christianity topping on the list followed by the Hinduism, but according to the author, The other major religious groups are the Islamic religion, which is spreading very fast and the Taoism. However, most of the Americans do not commit fully to the faith, and they know very little about their religions, prayers and verses from their religious books. commitment to their beliefs cannot compare to the commitment with their favorite football clubs, as many know their players by their name. The ignorance of many things about their faith indicates that the Americans are just religious and no committed to the faith that they profess.

Another important thing about religious in America is the fact that the young generation does not value the religious doctrines and the traditions of their religious denominations. For example, majority of the Catholics in the US do not know and practice the Catholic doctrines and laws as stated by the canon. Many young people attend the catechism classes but do not learn about the Catholic practices, the importance of the sacraments, and the other major Catholic teachings (Nash, and Penny 2009). There is little information taught to the Catholics catechism classes, which leaves the learners with many questions about the church.

Many religious people do not understand their holy books and always misinterpreted the scriptures, which isThe author advises religious people to read and understand the Bible and the other religious books before incorporating the scriptures in the day-to-day life. Studying the scriptures will help understand the moral teachings of the holy books


Nash, Robert J and Penny Bishop. Teaching Adolescent Religious Literacy in a Post-9/11 World. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub., 2009. Print.