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Though morals are traits that one may possess naturally, to some extent they can be instilled thorough education, religion and learning from other peoples experiences. In modern days we learn through past and present experiences from recognizable figure in our society, religion and education. When we convey our view on moral status within our present world, we base them according to what we see every day, via diverse technological advancements such as televisions and internet connections worldwide.

Modern heroes and saints in the Muslim world have offered a stepping stone for the voiceless to have hope in life through their experiences and views regarding morals and religion. Islam as a religion has very strong moral guidance based on beliefs in the holy book Quran. Moral qualities are considered, when one possesses quality virtues corresponding to behavior towards the society and others.

               In modern day Muslims who are linked to quality morals are categorized as heroes, whose deeds and ethics can be benchmarked by those who draw inspiration from them. There are famous Muslims who have portrayed good morals and taught about them. For instance, Siraj Wahhaj an Islam scholar, and Mohammed Ali, a renowned former boxer. The issue on humanity is common globally with many advocating for it. Siraj Wahhaj is a notable figure in the fight against humanity through his speeches and lectures. Though a converted Muslim based in New York, he has advocated for morals within the society according to the ways of Islam. For a person to be notable of good morals and values, it's vital to consider others base on their character when dealing with them rather than mere propaganda. In reference to this, Siraj has kept neutral views on the most opinionated issues in United States, such as the September eleven attack. In addition to this, Mohammed Ali has stood up for humanity standards to all people of  the world based on views  regarding good treatment onto others as one would deserve, by been involved in worldwide activities.

The heroes have encouraged us to change our views between good and evil, with examples from the holy Quran as prophet Mohammed stipulated. The two personalities have called on people to cease from immorality against themselves and others through their public work. For instance Siraj has developed a strong opinion on immoral behavior especially in marriage and all stages of human development, often cautioning those who go against the good teachings as being off track from the virtues.

Most of the moral issues addressed are based on humanity with Siraj teaching against taking justice into one own hands. Mohammed Ali echoes Siraj’s views by enhancing the point of instilling peace and respect among each other despite the background or race.

Their actions, words and deeds give us hope towards a better future with various incidences that make us want to question the validity of believing.  However, they have stood strong in their views and teaching on moral issues, such as personal values.

In conclusion, the figures have greatly influenced me in terms of viewing others the same without categorizing them on religion belief and race.  They also encourage one to take the mandate of following their footsteps. Every one deserves to be treated as one would want in return is the greatest lesson, which results to peace and understanding among nations and different religions.











