Reflective Journal (teaching in the 21st century)

Nursing case study
June 19, 2020
Industrial Hazard review
June 19, 2020

Reflective Journal (teaching in the 21st century)

Reflective Journal (teaching in the 21st century)

Critically reflect on the theory, ideas and skills covered in this unit. You will:
-demonstrate your understanding of the key ideas outlined in the readings
-identify ideas and thinking that you have developed from collaborations with other students and the unit activities
-identify the concepts of teaching and learning in the 21st century and how they relate to teaching in primary education

Write a 1000-word reflection outlining the key ideas and concepts learned during Weeks 1-5. Your reflection can be a summary taken from your posts in your personal journal.
This will be an opportunity to make comments about the readings, activities and collaborations and critically reflect on your learning. You will also be able to challenge any of the material that you do not agree with or find a challenge.

demonstrate clarity and understanding of the topic and offer interpretation of the issues and implications together with a very high level of scholarship. Presentation, format and structure must be of a professional standard.
1. Ability to outline the concepts of 21st century teaching
– Identifies learning in the 21st Century
– Provides examples of what 21st century teaching is
2. Ability to articulate your ideas
-Developed discussion, analysis and interpretation of the key ideas what this means to you
-Research and synthesis of sources to form opinions and conclusions
– Articulating your ideas with clarity
3. Evidence of critical reflection about the unit activities and objectives
– Using purposeful examples to support you thinking
– Provides examples from the activities to demonstrate how your thinking has developed in collaboration with others
4. Discussion, analysis and Interpretation of the literature
– Developed discussion, analysis and interpretation of the topics
– Identification of key points found in the literature
5. Adherence to submission requirements (see below)
6. Format and structure
– Spelling, grammar and expression
– Professional presentation
– Format of reflection with headings and paragraphs.
7. Depth and relevance of research, rigour of supporting references and adherence to referencing guidelines
– Reference list provided NOT a Bibliography (minimum of 15 references)
– Rigour of supporting references (quality and depth of research) throughout the paper, including correct use of

Reflective writing tips
What is the purpose of reflection?
The process of critical reflection causes enables deeper and longer lasting learning. You will be able to identify personal growth, reformulate personal goals and beliefs, and clarify your development in a meaning manner. Although the process of reflection when done correctly can be uncomfortable, critical reflection will allow you to make life choices consistent with your beliefs.
When and where will I reflect?
You should reflect in your journal on a weekly basis about your learning. At the end of the unit you can transfer this information to the Teaching and Learning portfolio

What will I reflect on?
You can reflection your experiences, frustrations, growths and the outcomes from all your coursework and life experiences.
– What did you contribute to the group activities?
– What did the other members’ of the group contribute?

Ultimately, self-reflection and dialogue with others will result in insights as to:
1. how and why you think the way you do
2. what actions you took, what choices you made
3. the meaning of your actions and choices
4. what learning and growth has occurred
5. how you can change your practices in the future
6. understanding your role as a teacher.